What is Numerology?

Welcome to the fascinating world of numerology! Have you ever wondered what your birthdate or name may reveal about your destiny? Numerology can offer insights into the mysteries of your life by unlocking the significance of numbers. This ancient practice believes that numbers carry their own unique energy and vibration, which can be decoded to reveal deeper truths about your personality, relationships, career, and life path.

Key Takeaways:

  • Numerology can help individuals uncover hidden truths about their lives through the significance of numbers.
  • Each number carries its own unique energy and vibration that can be decoded to reveal insights into personality, relationships, career, and life path.
  • Numerology has been practiced in different cultures throughout history and continues to be used today.
  • By understanding numerology and your life path number, you can gain valuable insights into your purpose, strengths, and potential challenges.
  • Numerology can also shed light on relationships and provide guidance in career choices, as well as support personal growth and self-discovery.

What is Numerology?

Numerology is the study of numbers and their mystical significance. It is a belief that every number carries a unique energy and vibration, which can be used to decode your destiny. Numerology can reveal insights into your personality traits, relationships, and life path. It is a powerful tool that can help you unlock the mysteries of your life and guide you towards a more fulfilling future.

At the core of numerology is the belief that each number has its own meaning and significance. By understanding the symbolism of numbers, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. Numerologists use a variety of methods to calculate and interpret numbers, such as the Pythagorean system, the Chaldean system, and the Kabbalah system.

The Pythagorean System

The Pythagorean system is the most popular and widely used method of numerology. It assigns a numerical value to each letter of the alphabet and uses these values to calculate various aspects of your life, such as your life path number, personality number, and soul urge number. The Pythagorean system is believed to provide accurate and in-depth insights into your character and life path.

The Chaldean System

The Chaldean system is an ancient form of numerology that originated in Babylon thousands of years ago. It assigns numerical values to the letters of the alphabet based on their sound vibration. The Chaldean system is considered to be more accurate and mystical than the Pythagorean system, but it is also more complex and difficult to master.

The Kabbalah System

The Kabbalah system is a form of numerology that originated in Jewish mysticism. It assigns numerical values to Hebrew letters and uses these values to gain insights into the spiritual aspects of your life. The Kabbalah system is known for its depth and complexity and is considered to be one of the most powerful forms of numerology.

Regardless of the system used, numerology can provide a wealth of information and guidance for those seeking to decode their destiny and unlock their full potential. By understanding the significance of numbers and how they relate to your life, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

The History of Numerology

Numerology has a rich and fascinating history that spans thousands of years. The practice of numerology can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Babylon, and Greece. These cultures believed that numbers held mystical properties and could be used to reveal hidden insights into the world.

In Egypt, numerology was used as a form of divination, with priests interpreting numbers to gain insight into the future. In Babylon, the famous Code of Hammurabi laid out laws that referenced numbers and their significance. And in Greece, the philosopher Pythagoras is credited with the development of modern numerology.

Pythagoras believed that numbers were the building blocks of the universe and that each number held its own unique vibration and energy. He believed that by understanding the significance of numbers, one could gain insights into the mysteries of life and the universe.

Throughout history, numerology has been embraced by many cultures and used for various purposes, including predicting the outcomes of wars, guiding important decisions, and understanding human personality traits.

“Numbers have a way of taking a man by the hand and leading him down the path of reason.” -Pythagoras

Numerology and Your Life Path

Numerology can provide valuable insights into an individual’s purpose, strengths, and potential challenges. One of the key concepts of numerology is the life path number. This number is calculated using an individual’s date of birth and reveals the path they are meant to follow in life. By understanding their life path number, individuals can gain clarity on their unique talents and abilities.

How to Calculate Your Life Path Number

To find your life path number, add together the digits of your birth date until you arrive at a single-digit number. For example, if your birthday is October 17, 1992, you would add 1 + 0 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 30. Then, add 3 + 0 = 3. Your life path number is 3.

The life path numbers range from 1 to 9, with each number carrying its own unique energy and vibration. Here is a brief overview of the meaning of each life path number:

Life Path NumberMeaning
1Leadership, independence, and innovation
2Harmony, balance, and cooperation
3Creativity, self-expression, and communication
4Stability, practicality, and hard work
5Adventure, change, and freedom
6Harmony, family, and responsibility
7Introspection, analysis, and spirituality
8Ambition, power, and success
9Compassion, idealism, and humanitarianism

The Meaning of Your Life Path Number

Understanding the meaning of your life path number can provide clarity on your purpose and direction in life. Here is a brief overview of the meaning of each life path number:

  • Life Path Number 1: You are a natural-born leader and innovator. You have a strong sense of independence and a drive to succeed.
  • Life Path Number 2: You value harmony and balance in your life. You have a natural ability to cooperate with others and work towards common goals.
  • Life Path Number 3: You are creative and expressive, with a natural talent for communication. You have a zest for life and an infectious enthusiasm that inspires others.
  • Life Path Number 4: You are reliable and hardworking, with a practical approach to life. You value stability and are willing to put in the effort to achieve your goals.
  • Life Path Number 5: You thrive on adventure and change, with a natural curiosity and a desire for freedom. You are adaptable and able to handle unexpected challenges.
  • Life Path Number 6: You value harmony and family, with a strong sense of responsibility. You are nurturing and caring, with a desire to help others.
  • Life Path Number 7: You are introspective and analytical, with a deep interest in spirituality and self-discovery. You have a natural talent for research and investigation.
  • Life Path Number 8: You are ambitious and driven, with a desire for power and success. You have strong leadership skills and a natural ability to manage others.
  • Life Path Number 9: You have a strong sense of compassion and a desire to help others. You are idealistic and value humanitarianism.

Understanding your life path number can provide valuable insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and potential challenges. By aligning your talents and abilities with your life path, you can find greater fulfillment and purpose in your life.

Numerology and Relationships

Numerology can provide valuable insights into relationships, from romantic partnerships to friendships and beyond. By calculating compatibility numbers, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationships with others.

The process of calculating compatibility numbers involves reducing two individuals’ birth dates to single digits and comparing those digits to reveal areas of compatibility and potential challenges. For example, if one person’s birth date reduces to a 3 and the other’s reduces to a 7, they may find that they have different communication styles and struggle to understand each other’s perspectives.

However, numerology can also offer guidance on how to overcome challenges and promote harmony in relationships. By understanding the energetics of each number and the associated strengths and weaknesses, individuals can work towards improving communication, finding common ground, and enhancing compatibility.

As numerologist Dan Millman said, “Relationships are not rocket science. The principles of love, respect, and honest communication aren’t difficult to understand or implement. The power of numerology lies in its ability to reveal the basic nature and challenges of each person, and to indicate the purpose of the relationship itself.”

Using Numerology in Relationship Decision-Making

Numerology can also be applied to decision-making when it comes to relationships. For example, individuals can use numerology to determine auspicious dates for important events such as weddings or business partnerships. They can also use numerology to understand the vibrational qualities of their home address or workplace, which can affect their energy levels and relationships with others.

By incorporating numerology into their relationships, individuals can deepen their understanding of themselves and others, and foster healthier, more harmonious connections.

Numerology and Career

Are you looking for guidance in your career path? Numerology can provide valuable insights into suitable career choices. By calculating your career number, you can gain a deeper understanding of your strengths and align them with your professional endeavors.

To calculate your career number, simply add the numbers of your birth date and reduce them to a single digit. For example, if you were born on February 15, 1992, your calculation would be:

Birth Date Numbers21+51+9+9+2
Reduction to single digit263

In this example, the career number would be 2+6+3=11. However, as 11 is a master number in numerology, it is not reduced to a single digit. Instead, it is considered a powerful career number with significant potential for success.

Each career number has its own unique characteristics and is associated with specific career paths. Here is a brief overview of each career number:

  • Career Number 1: Leadership, entrepreneurship, creativity
  • Career Number 2: Diplomacy, communication, service-oriented professions
  • Career Number 3: Creativity, entertainment, communication
  • Career Number 4: Organization, management, administration
  • Career Number 5: Sales, marketing, travel, communication, entrepreneurship
  • Career Number 6: Healing professions, teaching, counseling, social work, hospitality
  • Career Number 7: Research, analysis, spirituality
  • Career Number 8: Finance, law, entrepreneurship, management
  • Career Number 9: Humanitarian work, teaching, healing professions
  • Career Number 11: Spiritual, creative, and intuitive professions
  • Career Number 22: Building and creating, humanitarian work, entrepreneurship

By understanding your career number, you can make more informed decisions about your professional path and feel more fulfilled in your work.

Numerology and Personal Growth

Numerology can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. By understanding the energy of the numbers that shape our lives, we can gain insight into our character and potential. With this knowledge, we can work towards developing our strengths and addressing areas that need improvement.

One way to use numerology for personal growth is by calculating your life path number. This number can reveal your life’s purpose and help you understand your natural talents and abilities. By aligning your actions with your life path, you can live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Another way to use numerology for personal growth is by analyzing your name and birthdate. These numbers can reveal important information about your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. By understanding these aspects of yourself, you can work towards personal development and growth.

Example: If your name is John Doe and you were born on June 1st, 1980, your numerology chart would reveal that your life path number is 7, indicating a strong intellectual and spiritual inclination. Your name number would be 6, representing a caring and nurturing nature, while your birthdate number would be 3, signifying creativity and self-expression.

Using numerology for personal growth involves a combination of self-reflection and action. Once you have gained insight into your strengths and weaknesses, it’s important to take steps towards personal development. This can involve taking courses or workshops to develop skills, seeking out mentors or coaches, or simply setting goals and working towards them.

Ultimately, numerology can be a powerful tool for those seeking personal growth and self-improvement. By understanding the energy of the numbers that shape our lives, we can gain valuable insights into our character and potential. With this knowledge, we can work towards developing our strengths and addressing areas that need improvement, leading to a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Numerology in Everyday Life

If you think numerology is only useful for calculating your life path or relationship compatibility, think again! Numerology can also be applied in various ways in your everyday life:

Choosing Auspicious Dates

Did you know that numerology can help you choose the best date for important events, such as weddings, business launches, or job interviews? Each number carries a unique energy and vibration, and selecting a date that aligns with your personal numerology can enhance the positive outcome of your event.

Example: If your life path number is 6, which is associated with harmony and family, you might select the 6th, 15th, or 24th of the month for your wedding day.

Address Analysis

Your home or office address can have a significant impact on your life. By analyzing the numerology of your address, you can gain insights into the energy and potential of your living or work space. This information can help you optimize your address to support your goals and aspirations.

Address NumberNumerology MeaningOptimization Tips
1Independence, LeadershipEnsure your address is visible and easy to find. Decorate with bold colors, such as red or orange.
2Harmony, PartnershipDecorate with soft colors, such as pink or pastels. Create a welcoming atmosphere with comfortable seating.
8Success, AbundanceAdd a water feature or aquarium to attract wealth. Decorate with luxurious items, such as crystal or silk.

Numerology in Communication

Have you ever noticed that certain numbers seem to appear repeatedly in your life? These numbers may hold a specific message or meaning for you, and recognizing them can help you understand your inner thoughts and emotions. You can also use numerology to communicate with others, such as selecting a phone number or license plate that aligns with your personal numerology.

“I kept seeing the number 333 everywhere, and I looked up its numerology meaning. It turned out to be a message of encouragement and support, which I really needed at the time.”


As you can see, numerology can enhance your life in many practical ways beyond just calculating your life path or destiny. Whether you want to choose an auspicious date, optimize your living or work space, or communicate effectively with others, numerology can be a valuable tool to guide you towards success and fulfillment.

Numerology: Unlocking the Mysteries of Life

As we conclude our exploration of numerology, we hope you have gained valuable insights into the significance of numbers and how they can be used to decode your destiny. Numerology is a powerful tool to understand the mysteries of life and can offer guidance in personal and professional endeavors.

Reflecting on Your Journey

Take a moment to reflect on your journey through the world of numerology. Perhaps you have discovered your life path number, gained insights into your relationships or career, or found ways to incorporate numerology in your daily life. We hope you have found these insights enlightening and empowering.

The Practical Applications of Numerology

As you continue your exploration of numerology, consider the practical applications in your everyday life. Utilize numerology to choose important dates and understand the energies of your home or office. Incorporate numerology in decision-making processes and interactions with others.

Your Journey Continues

Remember, your journey through numerology is ongoing. Use numerology as a tool for personal growth and self-discovery. Reflect on your experiences and continue to learn more about the fascinating realm of numerology.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the world of numerology. We hope you continue to unlock the mysteries of your life using the power of numerology.


What is numerology?

Numerology is a belief system that assigns meaning to numbers and their vibrations. It is believed that numbers can provide insights into various aspects of life, including personality traits, relationships, and life path.

How does numerology work?

Numerology works by assigning numerical values to letters and calculating specific numbers based on an individual’s birthdate and name. These numbers are then interpreted to reveal insights into different aspects of life.

How can numerology help me?

Numerology can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your relationships, and your life path. It can provide insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and potential challenges, offering guidance in making decisions and aligning with your true purpose.

Can numerology predict the future?

Numerology is not intended to predict the future with certainty. Instead, it offers a framework for understanding the energies and vibrations surrounding different aspects of life. It can provide guidance and insights, but ultimately, the future is shaped by personal choices and actions.

How can I calculate my life path number?

To calculate your life path number, you need to add up the digits of your birthdate until you get a single-digit number. For example, if you were born on March 15, 1985, you would add 3 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 32, then further reduce it to 3 + 2 = 5. So, in this case, your life path number would be 5.

Can numerology be used to improve relationships?

Yes, numerology can provide insights into relationship dynamics and compatibility. By calculating your relationship compatibility number using both your and your partner’s birthdates, you can gain a better understanding of the strengths and potential challenges in your relationship.

How can numerology help in choosing a career?

Numerology can help you identify suitable career paths by calculating your career number. This number represents your natural talents, skills, and interests, aligning them with potential career options. It can guide you in making choices that resonate with your true calling.

Can numerology be used for personal growth?

Yes, numerology can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. It can help you gain self-awareness, identify areas for growth, and take steps towards self-improvement. By understanding the energies associated with your numbers, you can make conscious choices that support your personal development.

How can I incorporate numerology into my everyday life?

Numerology can be incorporated into everyday life in various ways. You can use numerology to choose auspicious dates for important events, understand the energies of your home or office address, and even utilize numerology in daily interactions by being aware of the vibrations associated with different numbers.

Is numerology a science or a belief system?

Numerology is considered a belief system rather than a science. While it is based on mathematical calculations, its interpretations and meanings are subjective and based on individual perspectives and experiences.

Soul Numbers for 8 Famous People

Let’s take a look at the soul numbers of some famous people and see how they align with their personalities and life paths.

  1. Oprah Winfrey – Soul Number 2

Oprah Winfrey is a media mogul, philanthropist, and talk show host. Her soul number is 2, which is associated with harmony, balance, and cooperation. People who have a soul number of 2 are often sensitive and intuitive, with a natural talent for understanding and empathizing with others. This number is also associated with diplomacy, partnership, and teamwork, which is evident in Oprah’s career and her philanthropic work.

  1. Beyoncé – Soul Number 9

Beyoncé is a singer, songwriter, and actress. Her soul number is 9, which is associated with humanitarianism, idealism, and selflessness. People who have a soul number of 9 are often passionate about social justice and helping others. This number is also associated with creativity, leadership, and self-expression, which is evident in Beyoncé’s music and performances.

  1. Barack Obama – Soul Number 1

Barack Obama is a former President of the United States and a political leader. His soul number is 1, which is associated with independence, leadership, and individuality. People who have a soul number of 1 are often confident, ambitious, and self-reliant. This number is also associated with creativity and innovation, which is evident in Obama’s political career and his speeches.

  1. Princess Diana – Soul Number 6

Princess Diana was a beloved member of the British royal family and a humanitarian. Her soul number is 6, which is associated with love, nurturing, and compassion. People who have a soul number of 6 are often caring, empathetic, and have a natural talent for nurturing others. This number is also associated with harmony, balance, and beauty, which is evident in Diana’s advocacy work and her iconic fashion sense.

  1. Elon Musk – Soul Number 5

Elon Musk is an entrepreneur, inventor, and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla. His soul number is 5, which is associated with change, freedom, and adventure. People who have a soul number of 5 are often adventurous, independent, and have a natural talent for innovation and experimentation. This number is also associated with risk-taking and unpredictability, which is evident in Musk’s entrepreneurial ventures and his pursuit of ambitious projects.

  1. Princess Kate Middleton – Soul Number 3

Kate Middleton is a member of the British royal family and a fashion icon. Her soul number is 3, which is associated with creativity, self-expression, and communication. People who have a soul number of 3 are often artistic, communicative, and have a natural talent for self-expression. This number is also associated with socializing and networking, which is evident in Kate’s charity work and her role as a public figure.

7. President Joe Biden – Soul Number 2

Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States and a political leader with a long career in public service. His soul number is calculated from the vowels in his full name, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., and is 2.

The soul number 2 is associated with harmony, balance, and cooperation. People who have a soul number of 2 are often sensitive and intuitive, with a natural talent for understanding and empathizing with others. This number is also associated with diplomacy, partnership, and teamwork, which is evident in Joe Biden’s career as a politician and his approach to leadership.

Throughout his career, Joe Biden has been known for his ability to build coalitions and work across party lines to achieve results. His soul number 2 reflects his talent for diplomacy and partnership, which has been a hallmark of his approach to politics. He has been a champion of bipartisanship, working with Republicans and Democrats alike to pass important legislation.

The soul number 2 is also associated with sensitivity and intuition, which is evident in Joe Biden’s empathetic leadership style. He has spoken openly about his personal experiences with grief and loss, which has given him a unique perspective on the struggles that many Americans face. This sensitivity and understanding have been reflected in his policies and initiatives, such as his commitment to expanding access to healthcare and supporting families.

In addition to his talent for diplomacy and sensitivity, the soul number 2 is also associated with creativity and imagination. This is reflected in Joe Biden’s commitment to investing in infrastructure, education, and clean energy, which are all areas that require creative thinking and innovative solutions.

On the negative side, the soul number 2 can sometimes be associated with indecisiveness and a tendency to avoid conflict. People who have a soul number of 2 may have difficulty making tough decisions or may be too focused on avoiding confrontation. However, Joe Biden’s long career in politics has shown that he is capable of making difficult decisions when necessary and that he is not afraid to speak out on important issues.

8. Vladimir Putin – Soul number 5

Vladimir Putin’s soul number in numerology is calculated from the vowels in his full name, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, and is 5.

The number 5 is associated with change, freedom, and adventure. People who have a soul number of 5 are often adventurous, independent, and have a natural talent for innovation and experimentation. This number is also associated with risk-taking and unpredictability.

The soul number 5 is fitting for Vladimir Putin’s life and career, as he has been known for his adventurous and independent leadership style. He has been a controversial figure, often taking bold and unpredictable actions on the world stage. The number 5 also reflects his willingness to take risks and pursue ambitious projects, such as his efforts to modernize Russia’s military and infrastructure.

On the negative side, the soul number 5 can also be associated with restlessness and a lack of focus. People who have a soul number of 5 may have difficulty sticking to one path or may be too focused on their own desires at the expense of others. However, Vladimir Putin’s leadership has shown a consistent focus on maintaining Russia’s power and influence in the world.

What is a Soul Number?

One of the most significant numbers in numerology is the soul number. Your soul number is based on the vowels in your birth name, and it represents your innermost desires, dreams, and feelings. It can reveal the purpose of your life and the unique gifts and talents you possess.

To calculate your soul number, you need to assign a numerical value to each vowel – A E I O U or Y – in your birth name, according to the following chart:

A = 1 E = 5 I = 9 O = 6 U = 3 Y = 7

For example, if your birth name is “Alice Smith,” your soul number would be calculated as follows:

A + I + E = 1 + 9 + 5 = 15 1 + 5 = 6

So your soul number would be 6.

Now, let’s take a closer look at what your soul number can tell you about yourself.

Soul number 1

If your soul number is 1, you are a natural leader with a strong sense of self. You are ambitious, independent, and confident, and you have a strong desire to make a difference in the world. You are also creative and innovative, and you have the ability to inspire others with your ideas and vision.

Soul number 2

If your soul number is 2, you are a peacemaker who values harmony and balance in all aspects of your life. You are sensitive, empathetic, and intuitive, and you have a natural ability to understand the needs and feelings of others. You are also diplomatic and tactful, and you have a talent for resolving conflicts and bringing people together.

Soul number 3

If your soul number is 3, you are a creative and expressive individual who enjoys communicating your ideas and emotions to others. You are artistic, imaginative, and outgoing, and you have a natural talent for writing, singing, acting, or other forms of creative expression. You are also optimistic and fun-loving, and you have a contagious energy that attracts others to you.

Soul number 4

If your soul number is 4, you are a practical and grounded individual who values hard work, discipline, and stability. You are reliable, responsible, and organized, and you have a talent for managing resources and achieving your goals. You are also loyal and committed, and you take your responsibilities seriously.

Soul number 5

If your soul number is 5, you are a free spirit who loves adventure, change, and variety. You are curious, adventurous, and spontaneous, and you have a natural talent for exploring new ideas, places, and experiences. You are also versatile and adaptable, and you thrive on change and innovation.

Soul number 6

If your soul number is 6, you are a nurturing and caring individual who values family, home, and community. You are compassionate, loving, and supportive, and you have a natural talent for creating harmony and peace in your relationships. You are also creative and artistic, and you have a talent for creating beautiful and comfortable environments.

Soul number 7

If your soul number is 7, you are a spiritual and introspective individual who values wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. You are analytical, philosophical, and intellectual, and you have a natural talent for research, analysis, and reflection. You are also intuitive and perceptive

The Role of Pythagoras in Western Numerology

Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher, certainly made his contributions to the mathematical community – after all, if you ask most people what they know about Pythagoras, chances are they will recall the familiar equation we all learned in school, “A squared plus B squared equals C squared,” known as the Pythagorean Theorem, and used to determine the value of the sides of triangles. However, he considered himself a philosopher above all else. How did he view mathematics? More importantly, what were his philosophical, neurological, and religious contributions?

Who Was Pythagoras?

Pythagoras was born in Samos, a Greek island in the Aegean sea, in 570 BC. The son of a seal engraver, not much is known about Pythagoras’ early life. However, most scholars agree that when he was about age 40, Pythagoras traveled to Crotone in Calabria to found a school.

The school developed into a commune, the teachings of which were kept secret. It is thought that Pythagoras’ scientific, mathematical, and philosophical discoveries were taught there, and in his day he was associated with a great many discoveries. Among them were the Pythagorean theorem, which was named for him.

He was also credited with Pythagorean tuning – a system of musical tuning based on the pure, perfect fifth – the five regular solids that were later credited to Plato – the discovery of the spherical earth, and identifying Venus as a planet rather than a star. Later, some of these discoveries were attributed to his contemporaries or students, but Pythagoras began the school of philosophy which led to all.

What Did Pythagoras Believe?

Pythagoras believed in the continuity of life and rebirth of the immortal soul and believed he had lived over 99,000 lives in a row. He believed himself able to communicate with enlightened spirits, and that the planets themselves had their own particular music. This spherical music was said to correspond to the mathematical formations made by the planets, stars, and their paths in the sky. To that end, he also believed in the healing powers of music.

Most relevant to modern numerology are the beliefs Pythagoras held regarding numbers. To Pythagoras, everything in the entire universe could be explained using numbers. This did not only apply to mathematical purposes but also to spiritual purposes.

  • Pythagoras held that letters corresponded to numerals, two or three to each numeral from 1 to 9:
  • 1 = A, J, S
  • 2 = B, K, T
  • 3 = C, L, U
  • 4 = D, M, V
  • 5 = E, N, W
  • 6 = F, O, X
  • 7 = G, P, Y
  • 8= H, Q, Z
  • 9 = I, R

A person’s entire destiny could be determined by analyzing the numbers associated with their name and date of birth. In addition, Pythagoras assigned numbers to all gods, goddesses, and other deities relative to their name and station in his society.

Destiny Number

A person’s Destiny Number, also known as an expression number, was obtained by adding up the numerical values for each letter and reducing down to a final single digit number. This number was said to reveal the opportunities a person would encounter in life.

The Destiny Number is calculated in a way similar to today’s Soul Urge number and Karmic numbers, which are calculated with the numerical equivalents to the vowels and consonants in a name, respectively. These numbers are said to represent the inner challenges and heart’s desires, and the inner hopes of each person.

Life Path Number

The more modern concept of the Life Path Number was derived from a practice of Pythagoras as well. A person’s birth date is added up and reduced to a single digit, which corresponds to a specific path in life, strengths, weaknesses, talents, and drives. Pythagoras had previously assigned qualities to each numeral he believed to correspond to the very nature of those numbers and their relation to the planets and the universe at large. These qualities also applied to individuals who were associated with those numerals.

In general, numbers could have either masculine or feminine qualities, positive and negative qualities, and could carry karmic debts – or sins from past lifetimes – into the present. The following are examples of Pythagorean number qualities

  • 1 = The beginning of all things, initiative, selfishness
  • 2= Matter, cooperation, indecisiveness
  • 3 = The ideal number, creativity, pessimism
  • 4 = Four seasons, industriousness, ill health
  • 5 = Marriage (2+3), freedom, restlessness
  • 6 = Artistic, responsible, coldness
  • 7 = The sacred number, spirituality, laziness
  • 8 = Organization, impatience
  • 9 = Selflessness, must learn to be more selfish
  • 10 = The perfect number – Pythagoreans never gathered in groups over 10
  • 11 = Master number, intuition (another master number was 22)

Many of these qualities still hold with today’s numerologists, and it can be argued that Pythagoras is the father of modern western numerology. Other religions and schools of thought around the world study numerology, but Pythagoras’ beliefs are the very foundation of numerology as it exists today.

Basic Information About Indian Numerology

Numerology is the practice of analyzing numbers and their energies and is thousands of years old. It’s no surprise, then, that some of the major world religions incorporate numerology into their studies, reaching more with numerology than ever thought possible. So let’s look at Indian numerology. How is numerology applied in Hinduism, the world’s third-largest major religion?

Background on Hinduism

One of the oldest religions on the planet, Hinduism is practiced by nearly 15% of the world’s population – approximately 1.15 billion people. Hinduism originated on the Indian subcontinent and makes up nearly 80% of India’s religious population, though it now has adherents around the world. Otherwise known as Hindu dharma, after the eternal law of the religion, Hinduism can be traced back to the second millennium BC.

Generally speaking, adherents of the Hindu religion see Hinduism as a way of life and not just a religion. They believe that truth comes in many forms and depends on the circumstances of the believer. A long, continuous tradition and many ideas, practices, and experiences form a large network of diversity within the religion.

Numerology Basics

Generally speaking, numerology is the study of numbers. However, it is necessary to dive much deeper than the surface level when it comes to discussing numerology, because numerology isn’t only about mathematics. Instead, numerology involves the understanding of each number as a different source of energy. These building blocks of energy comprise how we understand ourselves, individuals around us, and the universe at large.

Individually, each number can be analyzed to isolate particular traits, behaviors, and qualities. When taken together, patterns of numbers can be used to understand the way it all fits together, a more in-depth, overall picture of a person and their motivations. However, where do we get these numbers?

Perhaps you’ve noticed a particular number, appearing again and again in some way, shape or form, throughout your life. Maybe you’ve always had a lucky number, or a number that’s held significance for you for one reason or another. Still, other significant numbers are found in your birth date or associated with the letters of your birth name. In short, significant numbers can be found anywhere.

Numerology and Hinduism

Given the nature of the Hindu religion, it is not difficult to see how practices such as numerology came to be intertwined with the faith. Perhaps more so than other religions, Hinduism uses numerology to describe people and even their motivations. Overall, three different types of numbers are considered important to Hindus

Psychic Number

The Psychic number is said to define an individual’s character and reveal the way a person looks at him or herself. It is said to influence personality, daily interactions, and explain the actions of a person. Arguably the most fundamental number, it is derived from the day of the month on which an individual was born.

People born on the 1st through the 9th have already arrived at their psychic number. For two-digit numbers, simply add the digits. For example, a person born the 27th of the month has a Psychic number of 2+7=9.

Destiny Number

A Destiny number, on the other hand, is said to reveal how the world views a particular person. It is related to a person’s Sankara, or vibration patterns related to karma or past deeds. It is said that throughout life, people become more and more like their destiny number as they learn lessons, particularly in the late 30s and 40s.

A Destiny number is calculated by adding up the day, month, and year of birth, continuing to add until a single digit is reached. For example, a Destiny number for a birth date of 1-12-2001 would be accomplished by adding 1+1+2+2+0+0+1=7.

Name Number

A name number is said to influence relationships with other people. A person can have different name numbers based on the different names people call them, or the names they choose to go by. A name number is calculated using the sound frequencies of the original pronunciation of a name, which correspond to various numbers.

Hindu Number Meanings

Each number has a certain meaning in Hinduism, and individuals with psychic, destiny or name numbers corresponding to a certain number may be said to carry certain traits:

  1. Leadership, success
  2. Teachers, healing qualities
  3. Artists, idealists
  4. Builders, radicals
  5. Entertainers, social
  6. Nurturing, support
  7. Mystical, philosophical
  8. Hardworking, driven, fame and fortune
  9. Compassion for humanity, works for humankind

Certainly, these characteristics do not entirely describe a person, but many Hindus believe that a combination of traits of the three numbers described above can provide a basic picture. Take a moment and check out your Hindu numbers – do the listed traits describe you?


Basic Information About Indian Numerology

What is Numerology?

Welcome to the fascinating world of numerology! Have you ever wondered what your birthdate or name may reveal about your destiny? Numerology can offer insights into the mysteries of your life by unlocking the significance of numbers. This ancient practice believes that numbers carry their own unique energy and vibration, which can be decoded to reveal deeper truths …

What is a Soul Number?

One of the most significant numbers in numerology is the soul number. Your soul number is based on the vowels in your birth name, and it represents your innermost desires, dreams, and feelings. It can reveal the purpose of your life and the unique gifts and talents you possess. To calculate your soul number, you …