One of the most significant numbers in numerology is the soul number. Your soul number is based on the vowels in your birth name, and it represents your innermost desires, dreams, and feelings. It can reveal the purpose of your life and the unique gifts and talents you possess.

To calculate your soul number, you need to assign a numerical value to each vowel – A E I O U or Y – in your birth name, according to the following chart:

A = 1 E = 5 I = 9 O = 6 U = 3 Y = 7

For example, if your birth name is “Alice Smith,” your soul number would be calculated as follows:

A + I + E = 1 + 9 + 5 = 15 1 + 5 = 6

So your soul number would be 6.

Now, let’s take a closer look at what your soul number can tell you about yourself.

Soul number 1

If your soul number is 1, you are a natural leader with a strong sense of self. You are ambitious, independent, and confident, and you have a strong desire to make a difference in the world. You are also creative and innovative, and you have the ability to inspire others with your ideas and vision.

Soul number 2

If your soul number is 2, you are a peacemaker who values harmony and balance in all aspects of your life. You are sensitive, empathetic, and intuitive, and you have a natural ability to understand the needs and feelings of others. You are also diplomatic and tactful, and you have a talent for resolving conflicts and bringing people together.

Soul number 3

If your soul number is 3, you are a creative and expressive individual who enjoys communicating your ideas and emotions to others. You are artistic, imaginative, and outgoing, and you have a natural talent for writing, singing, acting, or other forms of creative expression. You are also optimistic and fun-loving, and you have a contagious energy that attracts others to you.

Soul number 4

If your soul number is 4, you are a practical and grounded individual who values hard work, discipline, and stability. You are reliable, responsible, and organized, and you have a talent for managing resources and achieving your goals. You are also loyal and committed, and you take your responsibilities seriously.

Soul number 5

If your soul number is 5, you are a free spirit who loves adventure, change, and variety. You are curious, adventurous, and spontaneous, and you have a natural talent for exploring new ideas, places, and experiences. You are also versatile and adaptable, and you thrive on change and innovation.

Soul number 6

If your soul number is 6, you are a nurturing and caring individual who values family, home, and community. You are compassionate, loving, and supportive, and you have a natural talent for creating harmony and peace in your relationships. You are also creative and artistic, and you have a talent for creating beautiful and comfortable environments.

Soul number 7

If your soul number is 7, you are a spiritual and introspective individual who values wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. You are analytical, philosophical, and intellectual, and you have a natural talent for research, analysis, and reflection. You are also intuitive and perceptive