Many people the world over subscribe to the theories of numerology. They believe that numbers have great significance in our lives. At its core, numerology is simple; however, it’s the application of numerology that brings value when it is applied. What is numerology? Where did it come from? What are some of the major beliefs that shape the study of numbers? This article will address these questions and more.
Numerology is the Study of Numbers
Simply put, numerology is the study of numbers, just as psychology is the study of the human psyche. However, most people don’t stop at simply looking at the properties of a given number. They study how those numbers are interconnected and how they can be used to discover information about the world and the people in it. To use our earlier example, psychologists don’t simply study the parts of the human brain, they study how the different parts of the human psyche interconnect and work together and determine what it can tell us about how individuals operate separately and together.
Numerology, then, is the idea that numbers are the basic elements of a much larger picture. Studied separately, each number can be analyzed for its specific meaning to an individual. Put together, a series of numbers can tell us a lot about ourselves and the world.
Have you noticed certain numbers frequently appearing in your life? Perhaps you’ve noticed a certain series of numbers, or repetition of a single number over and over. Numerologists believe that these numbers have their own unique vibrations, or energy, and have something to tell you regarding your life or your place in the world.
Where Did Numerology Come From?
Numerology has been practiced for thousands of years. Most of today’s major religions have a history of embracing numerology in their earliest days. The ancient Babylonians, as well as the ancient Jews and Hindus, believed in the spiritual significance of certain numbers, and some of these beliefs have held over time. However, it was Pythagoras, an ancient Greek who formed many of the theories numerologists subscribe.
Pythagoras became know for his Pythagorean theorem. It is the formula for finding the length of the third side of a triangle. Many of us can probably rattle off the equation by rote from high school math class: “A squared plus B squared equals C squared.”
However, Pythagoras wasn’t just interested in finding the length of a triangle’s sides; he was also convinced that numbers held energy and was interested in how they connected. In short, he was a numerologist.
Major Practices in Numerology
If you’ve read even a little bit about numerology – perhaps on an internet page or a magazine article – you’ve probably heard of a few major practices in numerology. Most of these practices involve getting to a root number, or reducing digits until you arrive at a single number, with a few exceptions. These significant numbers can tell you a great deal about yourself, your innate traits, and where you’re headed.
Life Path Number
Perhaps one of the more commonly discussed numbers is your Life Path Number. It can tell you all about your purpose in life, strengths and weaknesses, talents, and reasons for your actions. To find it, simply use your birthdate – let’s use 12-13-1990 for the purposes of discussion. Reduce each element of the date to a single digit:
- 12 becomes 1+2=3
- 13 becomes 1+3=4
- And 1990 becomes 1+9+9+0=19 then 1+9=10, then 1+0=1.
- So, 3, 4, and 1. Add the final digits and 3+4+1=8 for a final Life Path Number of 8.
This Life Path Number is thought to reveal the motivations and traits of a particular person.
Soul Urge Number
This number is calculated a bit differently than the Life Path Number. Pythagoras, as well as most other numerologists, believed letters of the alphabet had corresponding numbers and developed a chart to show their interconnectivity.
The Soul Urge Number is found by using this chart to find the numbers associated with the vowels in your name, then adding and reducing until a single number is reached. That number describes the associated personality and challenges of the person, as well as their heart’s desire
Karmic Number
The Karmic Number is found the same way as the Soul Urge Number, except that it uses the consonants in your name instead of the vowels. The Karmic Number is said to reveal your innermost hopes and desires, as well as your fears.